False Memories
False Memories is a series in which personal stories and memories become so embedded in the practice of making that they turn into their own fictional truths. The re-encounter with forms, places and images is at the root of the re-invention of memories in the work. This is a search for an understanding of the constructed notion of identity, creating a vernacular in which the viewer is invited to navigate and contemplate.
The series presents a vivid world, a re-imagined childhood, which the viewer can easily get lost in. It is a stab at understanding identity and breaking down rigid borders between what is real and invented; a personal journey where recognizable landmarks are used to create a visual-poetic narrative. This narrative is built on a reinterpretation of the past, where the artist seeks to recall forgotten memories, mash up and re-create her own identity, and explore how the landscapes and memories of the past can still shape us today.